5412 50th Ave. Unit 2 - Turnabout Avenue Place - Athabasca, AB.
Facebook | Athabasca Dance Society
Instagram | @athabascadancesociety
Email | athadance@live.com
Alyanna Eherer
Amber Guay
Jaclyn Rymut
Fundraising Director
Stephanie Edwards
​Registration Director
​Christine Zinnick
Your time is valuable, we know that, and that is why we truly appreciate the time that each and everyone of you dedicate to the Dance Society. Here are some of the volunteer roles that our families can commit to. Please refer to our Handbook as it outlines our Family Commitment Policy.
Voting Members: Are members of the executive.
Required to attend board meetings.
Provides input and engages in discussion on Society business
Non-Voting Members: To Be Announced.
Not required at board meetings.
Provides input and engages in discussion on Society business.
Other ways you can volunteer:
Studio Cleaning
Assist at Rehearsals and Performances (See our handbook for more details.)
Fundraising Events such as event concessions, movie events, etc.
If you would like more information, please email us at athadance@live.com.